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Version: 2.0


How to open Module Input

To open a module input screen, you need to call the openInput method of the Module interface. This method is available in the ModuleWithInput interface, which extends the Module interface.

To open the module input screen, you need to get the module instance and call the openInput method

val module =
HumaModuleKitManager.getInstace().findModule<ModuleWithInput>(moduleId = "your_module_id")
val callSource = object : ModuleEventSource { // used to track user events
override val analyticsName: String = "your_source"
module?.openInput(context, callSource) {
// this callback is called when the user submits the input
// to send the user input onModuleInputSubmit should be called

Note: The module.onModuleInputSubmit(it) can be called from anywhere in the app, not only from the input screen. It can be used to submit the data from background tasks or other. Just make sure that the data is in valid format.